Shop Local – Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner visits Adina Watches.

Leadership is a pretty subjective topic of which hundreds of books have been written! What is not open to interpretation is a leader who leads from the front.

The Brisbane City Council is committed to supporting local and family businesses through its procurement program, but it went to the next level when the Lord Mayor dropped in to buy one of our Brisbane produced Adina Watches for himself!

Never one to miss an opportunity. Grant was able to have a candid chat about the ‘Brisbane Buy Local Policy’ as the city builds to the 2032 Olympics. Here is a couple of key points he mentioned during the course of the conversation about the policy that was introduced in 2019.

“In the past 12 months we hit a record 83 per cent shop local spend, injecting $1.1 billion into South East Queensland businesses, with every single dollar spent locally helping create and secure jobs for residents and keep our South East Queensland economy strong. This local investment is even more important as Brisbane emerges from an extremely challenging few years after facing COVID-19 and then a natural disaster with the floods.” He said.

Going on to say “This policy, our seven-day payment terms and record spend proves to local businesses that they’re not alone and that we’re backing them.”

But enough about that, he was here to buy himself a new Adina watch! After getting an insight into the collection he went on to select one of our new mechanical exposed balance models in an all-stainless steel finish. Great choice Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner! His son Wolfgang made sure he made the right choice!!

Thanks for supporting out local Brisbane family business that has been producing watches in Australia for 52 years. Keep shopping local.